Scilla Tips and Tricks


Field map size

If your contract needs to know the size of a field map, i.e. a field variable that is a map then the obvious implementation that reads a field map into a variable and applies the size builtin (as in the following code snippet) can be very inefficient as it requires making a copy of the map in question.

field accounts : Map ByStr20 Uint128 = Emp ByStr20 Uint128

transition Foo()
  accounts_copy <- accounts;
  accounts_size = builtin size accounts_copy;

In order to solve the issue one tracks the size information in a corresponding field variable as in the following code snippet. Notice that now instead of copying a map one just reads from accounts_size field variable.

let uint32_one = Uint32 1

field accounts : Map ByStr20 Uint128 = Emp ByStr20 Uint128
field accounts_size : Uint32 = 0

transition Foo()
  num_of_accounts <- accounts_size;

Now, to make sure that the map and its size stay in sync, one needs to update the size of the map when using the builtin in-place statements like m[k] := v or delete m[k] or better yet define and use systematically procedures that do exactly that.

Here is the definition of a procedure that updates a key/value pair in the accounts map and changes its size accordingly.

procedure insert_to_accounts (key : ByStr20, value : Uint128)
  already_exists <- exists accounts[key];
  match already_exists with
  | True =>
      (* do nothing as the size does not change *)
  | False =>
      size <- accounts_size;
      new_size = builtin add size uint32_one;
      accounts_size := new_size
  accounts[key] := value

And this is the definition of a procedure that removes a key/value pair from the accounts map and changes its size accordingly.

procedure delete_from_accounts (key : ByStr20)
  already_exists <- exists accounts[key];
  match already_exists with
  | False =>
    (* do nothing as the map and its size do not change *)
  | True =>
    size <- accounts_size;
    new_size = builtin sub size uint32_one;
    accounts_size := new_size
  delete accounts[key]

Money Idioms

Partially accepting funds

Let’s say you are working on a contract which lets people tips each other. Naturally, you’d like to avoid a situation when a person tips too much because of a typo. It would be nice to ask Scilla to accept incoming funds partially, but there is no accept <cap> builtin. You can either not accept at all or accept the funds fully. We can work around this restriction by fully accepting the incoming funds and then immediately refunding the tipper if the tip exceeds some cap.

It turns out we can encapsulate this kind of behavior as a reusable procedure.

procedure accept_with_cap (cap : Uint128)
  sent_more_than_necessary = builtin lt cap _amount;
  match sent_more_than_necessary with
  | True =>
      amount_to_refund = builtin sub _amount cap;
      msg = { _tag : ""; _recipient: _sender; _amount: amount_to_refund };
      msgs = one_msg msg;
      send msgs
  | False =>

Now, the accept_with_cap procedure can be used as follows.

<contract library and procedures here>

contract Tips (tip_cap : Uint128)

transition Tip (message_from_tipper : String)
  accept_with_cap tip_cap;
  e = { _eventname: "ThanksForTheTip" };
  event e


Transfer Contract Ownership

If your contract has an owner (usually it means someone with admin powers like adding/removing user accounts or pausing/unpausing the contract) which can be changed at runtime then at first sight this can be formalized in the code as a field owner and a transition like ChangeOwner:

contract Foo (initial_owner : ByStr20)

field owner : ByStr20 = initial_owner

transition ChangeOwner(new_owner : ByStr20)
  (* continue executing the transition if _sender is the owner,
     throw exception and abort otherwise *)
  owner := new_owner

However, this might lead to a situation when the current owner gets locked out of the control over the contract. For instance, the current owner can potentially transfer contract ownership to a non-existing address due to a typo in the address parameter when calling the ChangeOwner transition. Here we provide a design pattern to circumvent this issue.

One way to ensure the new owner is active is to do ownership transfer in two phases:

  • the current owner offers to transfer ownership to a new owner, note that at this point the current owner is still the contract owner;
  • the future new owner accepts the pending ownership transfer and becomes the current owner;
  • at any moment before the future new owner accepts the transfer the current owner can abort the ownership transfer.

Here is a possible implementation of the pattern outlined above (the code for the isOwner procedure is not shown):

contract OwnershipTransfer (initial_owner : ByStr20)

field owner : ByStr20 = initial_owner
field pending_owner : Option ByStr20 = None {ByStr20}

transition RequestOwnershipTransfer (new_owner : ByStr20)
  po = Some {ByStr20} new_owner;
  pending_owner := po

transition ConfirmOwnershipTransfer ()
  optional_po <- pending_owner;
  match optional_po with
  | Some pend_owner =>
      caller_is_new_owner = builtin eq _sender pend_owner;
      match caller_is_new_owner with
      | True =>
          (* transfer ownership *)
          owner := pend_owner;
          none = None {ByStr20};
          pending_owner := none
      | False => (* the caller is not the new owner, do nothing *)
  | None => (* ownership transfer is not in-progress, do nothing *)

Ownership transfer for contracts with the above transition is supposed to happen as follows:

  • the current owner calls RequestOwnershipTransfer transition with the new owner address as its only explicit parameter;
  • the new owner calls ConfirmOwnershipTransfer.

Until the ownership transition is finalized, the current owner can abort it by calling RequestOwnershipTransfer with their own address. A (redundant) dedicated transition can be added to make it even more evident to the contract owners and users.